Friday, December 16, 2011

Shimmer wireless sensor system

Cardio Development Kit
Shimmer ( makes several small, wearable, wireless sensors that can measure, store, and transmit a number of physiological (ECG, EMG, GSR) and kinematic (accelerometer, gyro, vibration, GPS) data in real-time. Data are stored in the sensors and then can be wirelessly transferred to whatever devices you want (iPhone, iPad, laptop computer, etc.).

The cool thing about this system is that it is completely configurable and programmable. You can capture whatever phys data you want. They provide the wireless sensors and programming tools but you decide how you want to use them. You get a programmer who can configure the devices to capture exactly the data you need, at whatever schedule you want, and then do what you want to the raw data (could be just formatting it in a text file or Excel file format). They also have a LabView module.

For some ideas of applications see the following 2 pages:

- Phys applications:
- Kinematic applications:

They have a number of starter kits that they sell.

Most of my research has been in the area of pain and the kinematics stuff is really cool for pain apps because it enables the assessment of objective behavioral measures of treatment effectiveness. For example, you could detect actual degree/range of movement (using gyro to detect angle, location in space).

1 comment:

  1. The device is really wonderful ...
    I Hope you provide me with more information about it ,how much its price is,
    please replay as soon as possible and thank you very much.
